Friday, May 11, 2012

Extra Credit assignment for 4th term is here.  You should be able to follow the links for the audio files as listed below:

Al Andalus

The Crusades

Monday, August 29, 2011

Schedule for the semester is up

The schedule for all the units this semester are now up and running.  You can see all the test days, and when homework assignments are due.  These dates are subject to change as the semester goes, but I will update the schedules if we need to modify the dates.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Newly Created!

Best case scenario: This could streamline communication concerning what is going on in my classroom.  It will be a center of information to keep students updated on what's going on in Calvin's class, and how they can succeed.

Worst case scenario: This will be the only post ever created.   Stay tuned, I suppose!  The other shoe will (hopefully) be dropping shortly!